Saint Vivekanand Sr. Sec. Public School, Alampur Hauz, Agra Road, Etawah was established in the year 1995 and is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). At present school is imparting education from Class I to XII. At senior secondary level XI and XII, SVPS is imparting education in Arts, Science, Commerce and Humanities.
The School is providing quality education with an emphasis on total development of personality of its pupils. The school is also promoting recreational and sports activities. School has very large playground and modern infrastructure required for the public school. SVPS is perceived by the parents among the top Public schools of the State with strength of 4000 students.
The campus houses a separate hostel for girls and boys, accommodating 350 students. The mess facility in the hostel serves wholesome, nourishing and delicious food. Wardens and housemasters ensure discipline and security is maintained by armed security guards at all times.
Student from far off places in India find the set-up of it very congenial and consider it “A home away from home“. The resident faculty, staff and boarders live in a complete family environment to minimize homesickness, if any.
In-house medical facilities are available within the campus and in emergency cases, qualified doctors are called or the children are taken to various nursing homes in Etawah itself.
The school is beautifully designed in a spacious campus of 20 acres away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The school is housed in a huge building with lush green surroundings. It has spacious, bright and airy class rooms and five laboratories for classes up to XII. Playgrounds, auditorium, staff quarters etc. have been provided for.